To Be the Perfect Hostess

You need the proper attire.

Thanks to Nicole, I do!

I never got around (as far as I can remember, anyway) to showing you a picture of the cute little apron Nicole made for me last year.

I decided it was time to correct that.

Here's the apron, itself.

In this one, you can see the nifty ribbon ties.

Isn't it just the neatest thing?

Thanks again, Nicole!

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You Go, Gale!

Not long ago, we drove to Atlanta for the weekend, to visit my friend, Cath.

In addition to all the shopping we did, Cath took us to one of her favorite places, Alon's, for lunch.

Alon's is the fabulous bakery/deli/everything else shop. The breads, cheese counter (Matt recognized the brand of Haloumi he'd had while in Cyprus!), the desserts, sandwich counter...yum.

We all grabbed something to eat, Matt and Cath getting a lamb sandwich, me a veggie one (minus the eggplant, it was really good), and a fruit salad for Alex.

Of course we needed something to drink; I've forgotten most of it.

But this...I saw this on the shelves, and I just knew Matt had to get it.

Gale Gand has a Root Beer!

Flavored with vanilla and cinnamon, this stuff is good.

Not cheap, and somewhat hard to come by (what? she's not making enough money already?), it's worth the price if you happen to see it.

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