Asian Round-up

Well, this is odd.

I found this draft lying around, from over two years ago!

Not sure why I never posted it, but here it is.

Hmmm...maybe it did post, but got taken down? Because Nicole already left a comment!
************************************************************************************'s the results for the General's chicken and Chicken with Lemongrass and Chili.

Let me begin by saying this: If a recipe calls for low-sodium soy sauce? Be
sure to use low-sodium soy sauce...d'oh!

This one was a lot of work. But, if you ignore the 'Lordy, is this salty!'-ness, it was really good stuff.

The chicken had a really interesting flavor from the batter, and texture. Next time, low-sodium.

And the Lemongrass-chili chicken?

Not as much work (ok, maybe it was...), but Matt really liked it. It felt weird making a
caramel sauce for a chicken dish, but it seemed to work. Smelled lovely.

Of the two, I'd honestly recommend the General's chicken (following the low-sodium advice, of course). While somewhat labor-intensive, it really had a great flavor and texture.

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